This is a blog where I'll share my photos as I learn to take them. You get to see my progress through the lens of my camera

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sunrise with a surprise

So I was out early morning/late night taking pictures of the sunrise. This was a couple of days after I had got my camera, I think. Suddenly I hear a noise behind me, so I turn and see this:
Squirrels are quite rare to see where I come from (this was the first time I had seen one there), so I became quite excited and tried to get some good pictures of it. That was hard since it kept moving and running away from me, but I did manage to get a couple.


  1. So cute!
    Well, what was it? Early morning or (extremely) late night? ;)

    1. Haha, very funny! :P
      No, I meant if you hadn't gone to bed yet, or did you get up early?

    2. Hadn't gone to bed yet. I actually sat up waiting just to catch the sunrise :p

  2. Beautiful area and pictures. You must live in the boonies, (country or woods). Our squirrels are mostly black, grey and some brown. That one looks almost red.

    1. Yeah, it's not very populated and there are lots of woods. Most squirrels I've seen has been brown/red, I think.
